“National Seminar about Adult Education for Experiential Learning and Tool Fair”

On 20 and 21st of December, 2019, in Bitola, two one-day events were held, with the title: “National Seminar about Adult Education for Experiential Learning and Tool Fair” by CEFE Macedonia, within the project “Experiential Pedagogy Of The Oppressed For Adults”, with a purpose to develop the skills of refugees and people with fewer opportunities, helping their social integration, as well as teaching them how to avoid or overcome conflicts through improved living conditions, supported by the “Turkish National Agency Erasmus Plus”, and coordinated by the Turkish organization “GAZIANTEP EGITIM VE GENCLIK DERNEG”, in a partnership with the organizations “CEFE Macedonia”, “EURO-NET – Italy”, “ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF DISABLED PEOPLE – Greece”, and “BALKANSKA AGENCIYA ZA USTOYCHIVO RAZVITIE – Bulgaria”.

The first event took place on 20 of December, at the premises of the Faculty for Information and Communication Technologies, in which the participants were representatives from educational institutions (professors and students), and the second event took place on December 21st, in the conference hall at “Hotel Milenium”, on which the participants were educators from the civil sector, as well as representatives from the business sector.

The purpose of the two one-day events was to share useful tools and methods through a panel discussion and a promotion, i.e., introducing the participants with a manual (“Training Manual for Training of Adults”), containing concrete methodologies for experiential learning, which emerged as the final output of the whole project, under the mentorship of the project partners.

The manual can be found at the following link:
