
Објавено на февруари 20th, 2020 | од admin


Интернационален форум за социјални претприемачи во Баку

Во периодот од 06 до 09 април 2020 година, во Баку Азербејџан ќе се случи Интернационалниот форум за млади социјални претприемачи од Азербејџан, Турција, Хрватска, Бугарија, Македонија и Грција. Овој проект е ориентиран кон решавање на социјалните проблеми со кои се соочуваат заедниците во Европа.

Повеќе информации можете да прочитате во текстот подолу, а бидејќи станува збор за интернационален проект, ви го споделуваме текстот во оргиналната верзија.

Young Social Entrepreneurs from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece which will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan 6-9 April 2020!

This project is oriented to the solution of social problems of communities in Europe, where young people can bring a change through social-oriented start-ups, by equipping youth organizations with necessary capacity in order to provide young people with consulting and training on social entrepreneurship. The focus of the project is not limited to make a difference in social complications in Europe but also encourage young people to become the main actors of the change and provide educational tools along with resources in order to bring it to their community. Besides, it will also create a network of young social entrepreneurs where the progress will continue working to make a positive impact on social pressure.

International Social Entrepreneurship Forum has main three goals:

  1. To develop the capacity of young entrepreneurs by equipping them with the skills, knowledge, competencies and tools necessary to advise other young people in social entrepreneurship.
  2. To create a space for assessment and discussion of the impact of social entrepreneurship in decreasing unemployment and building a better environment with relevant stakeholders.
  3. Increasing the knowledge of young people on social entrepreneurship and providing them with opportunities and tools to start their own “social enterprises”

Minimum requirements:

– Over 18 years,

– Ability to speak English,

– Experienced in social entrepreneurship,

– Citizen of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece,

– Should be an initiative person and try to contribute to his/her community.

– Social entrepreneurs and beginners

Travel support:

All expenses including accommodation, catering, visa and roundtrip travel expenses of the participants will be covered by organizers.

Deadline of application:

28 February 2020

How to Apply?

Click here to apply for https://tinyurl.com/un9g5sv

Detailed information: https://tinyurl.com/tehuj9o

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